With my new found laser cutting capabilities I decided to try it on leather. I’ve wanted to make a wallet for some time. I looked around a bit and finally found one with lots of card pockets that I liked at Deluth Trading. I set about making a close approximation of it.
Here’s the laser cutting the first pieces. You have to soak the leather in some water first so it’s cutting more than just burning.
The pieces turn out sort of sticky on the sides. I think the oils in the leather caramelize or something. It’s relatively easy to take off with a light bit of sanding. But first, let them dry out.
I was hoping the stiching would be easy with all the holes precut like this. Not so much. Curved needles help when you get pieces so close together like this.
I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I planned to give it to my mother-in-law for x-mas. My wife liked it so much I had to make a second one for her. Her’s was purple.